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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blog Boosting: How Editors Get to Self-Promote

Anyone familiar with's home page knows about the "blogs" section located just beneath the site's main feature. Here the tennis world's biggest names get to host their blogs' latest recaps, reactions and analysis.

What is so great about this feature is that readers get more than just the ticker of AP headlines–they get real voice, real attitude and real content. Blogs like Tignor's Concrete Elbow and Bodo's Tennis World give some witty commentary on what would otherwise be dry match results.

Look at Tignor's latest: "Landing Her Punches." The point of the story is to highlight Agnieszka Radwanska's latest success and to critique her normally unaggressive play. The world no.8 and winner of titles in both Tokyo and Beijing is a player fans know, but don't necessarily care to read about. Her latest feats, however, are worth noting, and Tignor does an impressive job of painting the story of her tremendous efforts.

"Instead of always playing it safe, Radwanska rifled her forehand when she got the chance; she hit jumping backhands; she won a close first set by taking over the net—subtly taking it over, of course, but taking it over nontheless; and she ripped one overhead so hard that I thought it was going to hurt Petkovic. Radwanska came out of her comfort zone, but never looked uncomfortable doing it." - Tignor

Accompanied by a comical photo and chock full of hyperlinks, the website does a good job of keeping readers interested. It would benefit, however, from a few links to highlights or even an embedded video. It's one thing to tell us the Beijing championship was one of the best matches form the WTA this year...It's another to show us. I, for one, still haven't seen any highlights of this supposedly awesome matchup.

Another feature that might boost views on the site's blogs page is the inclusion of outside contribution. How many more people would be interested if they thought their blog might get some airtime? Come on,, I know you want to feature my blog, Inside the Baseline.


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